Wheat Berries, you say?

I found some wheat berries lurking in the back of my pantry. It did seem like they might have been hiding- hoping not to be picked for dodgeball or something. Poor wheat berries! I haven’t a clue why I bought them way back when but I’m hoping they make a good and healthy dinner tonight. (One of my “plans” for the year is to cook more veggies & healthier stuff. I’m pretty good at that already, but there’s always room for improvement. Another “plan” I have is to “use up what I got” so this kills two birds. Woop!)

I did a little research on how to cook them, kinda the same idea as quinoa or millet. Yeah, I said millet. Try it, its good, yo. Word to ya millet! So, Anyway, I also found some yummy asparagus and of course I had turkey stock stashed away from Thanksgiving, so here goes nothing…

Wheat berries & asparagus with a sprinkling of Parm cheese. I would definitely make this again but perhaps in water, not stock. The stock overpowered the nice nutty wheat berry flavor that I was anticipating. Also I over-cooked my asparagus since the berries took longer than I expected. 😦 Kind of a bummer. It was sort-of risotto-y but with cooler texture.

Overall it was a good experiment and I would do it again, with tweaks that is. 🙂 I see why people eat these as an alternative to hot oatmeal or cream of wheat, that’s probably good. I like the idea of these as a savory item, though. Perhaps as a pilaf or in a room temp salad with some fresh veggies.

Hope you had a great weekend! Later, goofballs.


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